Luxury Event Agency
« Bring your projects to light by combining talents and ideas »
Luxury Events Talents,
a completion

During his years with the Yannick Alléno Group, Thomas built up a solid professional reputation and also « his network of talents, his community ».
His father is a world-renowned chef ;
Thomas Alléno is a world-renowned Chef... of an event Orchestra.
Thanks to all the encounters he had during the events he « sets to music », accompanied by the
creative talents he brings together to «serve the project»,
he gradually forged the concept of hisown project Luxurys Events Talents.
His strength - his talent - lies in his ability to bring together these talents
- whatever they may be - to create a tailor-made, unique, coherent project with a strong identity.
Thomas Alléno is at the service of the project, of your project.